Montgomery High Lacrosse Team

Thank you for purchasing photos for the 2015 Lacrosse Season.
On this page you will be able to view your photos, view the package you've pre-purchased, choose the photos you'd like printed as part of your pre-selected package, and add A La Carte items. All packages include team photo.
In order to make your final selection, follow the steps below. Once your form is received, we will print your photos and deliver them to your coach.
Fidel Cante
Ordering is simple.
1) Review the package you have purchased. 2) Choose the photo or photos that you would like as part of your package. You can choose from one photo for your entire package, or you can customize it by selecting multiple photos. 3) Fill out the contact form below and let us know in the comment section which photo you selected for your package. If you choose more than one photo, its ok. Just tell us which photos you like and how you want to split your package. |
2) Here are your photo options:
The photos are lettered. When filling out the form, include the letter of the photo you have selected.
order form examples: One photo chosen for entire packge. Please print my entire package with the following photo. I've chosen photo A If multiple photos selected. I would like to choose different photos for my prints. I've chosen photo A. Please print 8x10 and 2- 5x7 I've chosen photo B. Please print the rest with this photo.
If you have any troubles with your order, please don't hesitate to email or call at 619.386.8840